Low Waste Yogurt

Low Waste Yogurt

Author: Rupal mymeatlessmantra.com

I am slowly turning into my Mom because never in a million years did I think I would be making my own yogurt. But, in efforts to continue on my journey to less waste, I have decided to make the switch. I used to always think, “Why would I make it when I can just buy it?”. I guess that’s the point. We have so many products at our fingertips that it is so easy to not make and buy instead. However, this is a switch you will never regret; homemade yogurt tastes better and costs less!

Low waste Yogurt

 Individual, no waste, homemade yogurt parfaits!              Bought bulk granola in my All cotton and Linen bag.


  • Not buying a carton
  • Using milk from dairy farms a few hours from where I live
  • Making only enough for us to eat and not waste


  • Good source of probiotics
  • Good source of protein
  • Good source of calcium


All you need to make your own yogurt are:

  • 3 cups of local, organic, grass-fed milk in a glass bottle
    • Of course, you can use any kind of milk, but this kind will reduce your carbon footprint
  • 2 tbsps of pre-made yogurt
    • After you make your first batch, you can use your own yogurt as the yogurt starter. This will help you develop your own “house” yogurt taste!
    • If you are looking for a good yogurt to start with, go with a whole milk, probiotic yogurt brand. I love Nancy’s Whole Milk Probiotic Yogurt.

Low waste yogurt all cotton and linen

    Yogurt ingredients: Local, organic, grass-fed milk & pre-made yogurt

Warm the milk over medium heat for 12 – 14 minutes. Stay close and watch for the milk to slowly bubble/puff up.

Cup of milk

Let the milk cool for 45 minutes to an hour. Do not stir or mix.

Milk bowl for coolling

In a separate bowl, add 2 tablespoons of the pre-made yogurt. Once the milk has cooled for 45 minutes, spoon enough of it into the small bowl to cover all of the pre-made yogurts. Whisk well and add the mixture back into the pan. Mix well.

Making of Yogurt

Place the covered pan in a warm place. If your house is not particularly warm, you can turn your oven to 200 degrees for 3 minutes, turn the oven off and then place the milk inside. The yogurt will form between 18-24 hours.

If you would like to make individual, no waste, yogurt containers, pour the milk mixture into your containers right after you mix in the yogurt starter. Then place them in a warm place.

Yogurt boxes one by one


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