
Why Making Your Bed Every Day Is Important?

Do you brush every day? Do you have your meals every day? Have a bath daily? Wondering why such basic questions are being asked? It is just to draw your attention to the fact that making your bed ...

A Healthy Organic Bedding

So much for the body and the food we consume – from exercising to drinking plenty of fluids to wash down the impurities, so on and so forth. What do we do for the bedding where we spend critical ho...

How to Set Up a Bed Easily

Setting up a bed is almost like an everyday ritual for me. Getting a good sleep depends on a lot of factors besides the bed itself. It’s about having the right surroundings. Right does not mean the...

What Your Home Decor Says About You

Home is where the heart is and our homes are pivots of our existence. And indeed, why not?! It’s been said that homes are extensions of our personalities. It’s your personal touch, that exclusive i...
Get Your Own Plant-Based Milk

Get Your Own Plant-Based Milk

 A Special feature from our friend Stephanie Wild    While browsing the other day, I came across a blog by Stephanie Wild which I found to be very interesting. Before I start writing, I want to gi...

Why is it called Buffalo Plaid?

There are some patterns and colors that are imprinted on our minds. They also seem to be around for ages. One such pattern is the Buffalo Plaid. There are various icons associated with Buffalo Plai...

Food Photography with Jessica Furniss

There are some people who are able to create a niche for themselves. If you want your recipes to look larger than life and convey its real taste, then Meet Jessica Furniss! She is known for sharing...

What is the best position to sleep?

Yes, you read it right. A lot depends on the position you sleep in – the way you feel once you get up and the quality of sleep. Not sleeping in the right posture often leads to several sleep issues...
What to gift on Mother’s Day and Why?

What to gift on Mother’s Day and Why?

Yes, it’s that time of the year once again when we all rush to look for ways and means to make our Mothers feel special.